Hey there, I'm

Johnson Afuye .

Product Engineer.

About me

I am a software engineer who is motivated by the opportunity to solve real world problems, with a high priority on providing value to my clients and employers by understanding their product needs and converting them to a working solution.

I'm proficient with these Technologies:

  • Nodejs
  • Reactjs
  • Typescript
  • JavaScript(ES6+)
  • MongoDb
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Express Framework
  • Version Control with Git and
  • Postgresql
  • GraphQL
  • Test-Driven Development.
  • Solidity

Tools and Technologies






Bootstrap 4





Decagon Institute

Software Engineer (July 2021)

Experience with implementing resource-oriented APIs on client and server -side

Experience with CI/CD for application deployment

Dockerize nodejs and typescript server applications

Exposure to agile methodologies

Knowledge on HTTP requests with Axios and Fetch.

Perform unit and integration testing

Perform code review with colleagues

Hugo Tech

Data annotator- ML (June 2020)

Blockchain Architect

Web developer

Worked in the machine learning department in the annotation of different sets of datas which is the workhorse behind our algorithm-driven world.

Partner with existing blockchain contract engineers and partners to execute on project roadmap related to crypto tokens development which includes ipo,ico,Ido, testnets, public sales, bounty etc.

Built app such as node-sms app, a newsletter App, a blog website where you can perform crud operations on blog posts

Techo Emperor Consultancy

Front-End developer Intern (Dec 2019)

Worked closely with the UI/UX team to build UI with close attention to details using technology like bootstrap and Materialize


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Or just say hello.

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